This tutorial is my birthday present to my dear friend Aynur, who has not spared her friendship and help.
Happy birthday Aynur.

This Tutorial is written with Corel PSP X8

The colors, layer density and blending mode are for the materials of this lesson.

If you use different material, just take a look at what is best for you

Danke Inge Lore für die deutsche Übersetzung

Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı almanya.png

Bedankt voor de Nederlandse vertaling Lisette

Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı Hollanda.png

Bedankt voor de Nederlandse vertaling Angela

Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı Hollanda.png

Grazie per la traduzione Pinuccia

Bu görsel boş bir alt niteliğe sahip; dosya adı italy.png

Merci Colybrix pour la traduction française

Gracias Sylviane por la traducción al español.

Thanks for the Portuguese translation


Mehdi – Wavy Lab 1.1.

Flaming Pear -Flexify 2

Filters Unlimited 2.0- Paper Textures- Canvas,Fine

Mehdi – Sorting Tiles.

Alien Skin – Eye Candy 5 Impact – Perspective Shadow

Alien Skin – Eye Candy 5 Impact – Glass

Texture Effects – Blinds

Filters Unlimited 2.0 -Tile&Mirror – Mirrored & Scaled

Filters Unlimited 2.0> &<Bkg Designer sf10 III – VMT Instant Tile


Woman Tube:  Femme-1703-Azalee


deco hüzünlüyıllar


deco melodi Aynr 1 and 2

Text Melodi  – Aynur

Selections aynr 1 and 2

Preset Melodi-Frendship

Needed Material


Set the foreground color to #ffffff,

and the background color to #b57397

(if you use other images by necessity, choose your background color according to the tube).

File – New – Open 900 x 500 Transparent  Image

Effects>Plugins>Mehdi – Wavy Lab 1.1.

Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur – Radius 50.

Effects>Plugins>Mehdi – Sorting Tiles.

Effects>Edge Effects>Enhance.

Layers>Duplicate. (Copy of Raster 1)

Filters Unlimited 2.0 – Tile&Mirror – Mirrored & Scaled


Selections>Load/Save Selection>Load from Disk – aynr 1

Open – Selections – Promate Selection to Layer

Selections – Select None

Close Promoted Selection Layer

Activate the bottom layer ( Copy of Raster 1)

Filters Unlimited 2.0 – Paper Textures – Canvas Fine  Standard settings

Change the opacity of this layer to 75%

Open your deco Hüzünlüyıllar – Edit>Copy

Go back to your work and go to

Edit> Paste as New Layer. (Raster 2) No Need Move

Change the opacity of this layer to 80%


Layers>New Raster Layer. Raster 3

Flood Fill  the layer with your foreground color   #ffffff     

Layers  >New Mask Layer >From Image> Mask_GB_12

Layers – Merge – Merge Group  (Group – Raster 3)

Duplicate layer  (Copy of Group – Raster 3)

Image Mirror – Mirror Vertical

Layers – Merge–Merge Down  (Group – Raster 3)

Change the opacity of this layer to 70%

Open Deko decor_nmcriacoes_163


Go back to your work and go to

Edit> Paste as New Layer. (Raster 3)

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this Position X 350  Y -46

Change the opacity of this layer to 70%


Open the eye of the top layer and activate it

Effects > Texture Effects > Blinds – Width 5 , Opacity 25 Color #000000

Effects >3D Effects >Drop Shadow >0,0,40,10  Black

Layers>Duplicate. (Copy of Promoted Selection)

Filters Unlimited 2.0> &<Bkg Designer sf10 III> VMT Instant Tile… (x2) Standard settings

Selections>Load/Save Selection>Load from Disk – aynr 2

Press the delete key on the keyboard

Selections – Select None


Change the foreground color (4)  #2a2a2a

(You can change it according to your own colors)

Layers>New Raster Layer. Raster4

Flood Fill  the layer with your foreground color (4) #2a2a2a

Selections>Select All.

Selections>Modify>Contract – 30 pixels.


Selection>Promote Selection to Layer. (Promoted Selection 1)

Activate the bottom layer (Layer Raster 4)

Delete Layer Raster 4

Activate Promoted Selection 1

Selections>Modify>Contract – 10 pixels.

Flood Fill  with your   #ffffff      .

Selections>Select None.


Image>Resize, to 80%, resize all layers not checked.

Effects>Plugins>Flaming Pear – Flexify 2

Input : Mirror ball  –  Output: Cylindrical  – Glue: Normal

Activate the layer below (Promoted Selection1)

Image>Resize, to 90%, resize all layers not checked.

Again Effcts>Plugins>Flaming Pear – Flexify 2, same settings.

Activate the top layer

Layers> Merge> Merge Down.


Activate the Magic Wand Tool, tolerance and feather 0, and click the circles in the figure to select

fill selection with background color #b57397   (color 2)     

Effects>Texture Effect > Texture (Grid )

Selections > Select None

Activate the Magic Wand Tool, tolerance and feather 0, and click the circles in the figure to select

Fill selection with background color #b57397   (color 2)

Effects>Plugins> Alien Skin/ Eye Candy 5 Impact / Glass > Clear

Selections > Select None

Change the opacity of this layer to 70%


Open your deco melodi Aynr 1

Edit / Copy

activate your work

Edit / Paste as New Layer

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this Position X 415 – Position Y 218

Layer Palette – Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to “Luminance(Legacy)

(or edit the colors according to your work)

Open your deco melodi Aynr 2

Edit / Copy

activate your work

Edit / Paste as New Layer

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this Position X 325 – Position Y 50

Open the tube Femme-1703-Azalee and go to Edit> Copy.

activate your work

Edit / Paste as New Layer

Image>Resize, to 80%, resize all layers not checked. 

Adjust> Sharpness > Sharpen

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this Position X : 470   Position Y: 8

Place your tube wherever you want

Layers> Duplicate.

Adjust> Blur> Gaussian Blur, Radius 10.

Layers> Arrange> Move Down


Open Text Aynur

Edit / Copy activate your work

Edit / Paste as New Layer

Activate Pick Tool and place it like this Position X 162      Position Y 361

Effects – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow  0, 0 ,50 ,50  Black


Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 1 pixel, color 2 ( Background)   #b57397

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 2 pixel, color 1 (Foreground)  #ffffff

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 1 pixel, color   2 ( Background)  #b57397

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 5 pixel, color  1 (Foreground) #ffffff

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 5 pixel, color   2 ( Background)    #b57397

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 15 pixel, color 1 (Foreground) #ffffff

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 1 pixel, color   2 ( Background)   #b57397

Sellections- Sellect All

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 40 pixel, color 1 (Foreground) #ffffff

Effets – 3D Effects – Drop Shadow  V: 0    H: 0   O: 60    B: 20

Sellections- Sellect None

Image – Add Borders – Symmetric checket 1 pixel, color   2 ( Background)   #b57397

Add your name or watermark

Resize 900 px

File – Save As JPG

Test için teşekkürler Aynur

Thanks for the translation Inge Lore

Thanks for the translation Pinuccia

Thanks for the translation Colybrix

Thanks for the translation Angela

Thanks for the translation Sylviane

Thanks for the translation Lisette

Thanks for the translation Estela

Thank you Soxikibem

Thank you Roberta Maver

Thank you Michounette31

Thank you Evalynda

Thank you Annick

Thank you Krimi4mimi

Thank you Garances

Thank you Renee

Teşekkürler Kamil ustam

Thank you Angel

Thank you Cat’s Graffitis

Thank you Jaja

Thank you Cleide

Thank you Francoise

Thank you Nicole

Thank you Lea Rose

Thank you Talonaiguille

Thank you Pia

Thank you Moi Meme

Thank you Trudy

Thank you Annelie

Thank you Danny

Thank you Coobali

Thank you Dennis

Thank you Eva

Thank you Ibolya

Thank you Marijo

Thank you Milena

Thank you Petral

Thank you Laurette

Thank you Gisella

Thank you Karin

Thank you Iren

Thank you Evelyn

Thank you Irene

Thank you Elly

Thank you Celia

Thank you, Flore18

Thank you Rita

Thank you Vanpires

Thank you Inpetto 13

Thank you Uschi

Thank you Anna Maria

Thank you Tonnie

Thank you Brigitte @lice

Thank you Celine

Thank you Daniella

Thank you Aliciane

Thank you Vanda

Thank you Cidaben

Thank you SBW

Thank you Canelle

Thank you Denise

Thank you Encerna

Thank you Nora

Thank you Franie Margot

Thank you Noella

Thank you Gypsie

Thank you Viviane

Thank You Lecture33

Thank you Estela

Thank you Danick

Thank you Shawnee

Thank you Maryse

Thank you Michele

Thank you Ginette

Thank you Laurette

Thank you Louise Pause

Thank you Sonia

Thank you krimi4mimi

Thank you Leni Diniz

Thank You CidaBen

Thank you Tizzi

Thank you LadyValella

Thank you Célia Cristina Wanderley

Thank you Vanpires

Thank you Silvana

Thank you Rolande

Thank you Madeleine

Thank you Marcinha

Thank you Frankie

Thank you Violine

Thank you Dany

Thank you Perrine